Sunday, 20 January 2019

The Fun Day

The Fun Day

Yesterday we were doing a slide and a water balloon fight. I was team mates with my Cousin and my Cousins Brother, we were 
attacking. We threw the water balloon and hit him everywhere 
that he was soaking. we went to the backyard and we did the slide.
Me and my Cousin did rock paper scissors and who ever lost had 
to go on the slide. I lost and I was not going on there and he 
said " Your Cheating". I went away and got more water balloons
and Got the Bow. I was shooting the water balloons at my Cousin.
My Cousin had the hoes to spray at me. There was things were 
I was so I had to go where my cousin was at. Then we were 
fighting and we went on the slide it was so fun.
Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

Friday, 18 January 2019

Top 3 Things I Like To Do

Top 3 Things I Like To Do

This about what I like to do?

My First one is that I love homework to do.
My Second one that I love watching Youtube on my computer at home.
Then The Final one The Third one I love to play games and do some fun stuff like being on Youtube videos.

Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Restricted Access

Restricted Access
[10 points]

So much of our programs on tv or other things have travelled
to our country New Zealand. It is important that we
help the environment and our other places. There is a
beautiful and amazing place in New Zealand, it is called
Machu Picchu. The government they decide if were allowed
to go visit the beautiful place or not. It is not fair that we can't
go there. He has to say yes. I feel so sad that we can't go
there and I feel mad too.

Anyways tell me if you felt like me Blog Ya LATER!

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

The Power Of Ten

The Power Of Ten
[10 Points]

There is someone called Sir David and he is a Nature person.
He Loves nature and he does films and tv shows. He has done
films about nature almost his whole life. He had the power so save
10 animals.

Anyway Blog Ya LATER!

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

A Flying Fox

A Flying Fox 
[4 Points]

If I went on a zip-line it would be pretty terrifying knowing that
I am might be scared of heights. I would be scared if I did it in 
Rotorua. I would probable be scared the whole day and have 
nightmares about it. It is going to be easy but at the same time 
when it happens it might be a little scary. I would be scared 
but I would know that I am on a rope so I would not be
that scared. I would have fun and I would swing. I am 
going to be scared because I am going to go down and bounce 
up and down.

Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

Top 3 Things That I Love In My Life

Top 3 Things That I Love In My Life

The first thing I love is my bible to pray to god and jesus.

The second one is I love to go to school because I learn and do fun 
stuff and I can play with my friends.

Third one is that I love watching on Youtube and playing games 
like a famous game called Fortnite and also another game 
it, is a block game called Minecraft.

Blog Ya LATER!

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Yesterday The Great Day

Yesterday The Great Day

Yesterday we were having a normal day until my uncle told us to get ready to go to the beach and movie at 6.30 to watch, How To
Train A :The Hidden World Dragon 3. We picked my cousin up
that I have not seen in 2 years. It was a Samoan and Tongan
1 hour later... We were going to the beach and it was so tiring then I was sleeping. Then I woke up and we were there we were just finding a parking. When I said that, we found a parking. We got out and looked for a place to stay it was next to tree like my sun thing. Then all of us put sunscreen on and there was the young
ones went first, accept me and my Brother. 

Then we went and 
we didn't know where they were but I spoted them like it was 
hide and seek. Then we went to them and I was on my Brother 
because it was deep and I was jumping of him and floating. 
It was fun and I was swimming around. Then I was diving with 
my Brother and I was pulling him and me up I was kicking
he was swimming. I just did the same thing every time pull
him up. After we did that I was playing touch with my Brother
my Brother won. Then we went out and I went in with my cousin
and Uncle. We racing and we did it again then we went to the 

My Uncle was getting the ticket and it was about to start so we quickly went to the movie and we got popcorn and drinks.
We were sharing popcorn and we had our own drinks and it was
cool. There was a lot of memory's and bad guys. There was many 
vikings and saying about marrying. When it was the end my straw
that was broken because the drink wet it. My cousin was crying 
and she was making excuses. It was a cool movie. I am not telling
much it is because I don't want to spoil it.

Blog Ya LATER!

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Celebration Day

Celebration Day

It was a cool day today because we were celebrating my mums 
birthday and that was funny. In the morning my Dad he was sleepy 
and when he got his breakfast his, face looked funny and it was 
because he was sleepy. What we had for breakfast is coffee,
pancakes, eggs and bread. It was yum but when I ate the pancakes
I wanted some real food like eggs. That was it and I got the 
juice that my parents hid. It is because I find the snacks and stuff. 
Hope you enjoyed it Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Bubble Gum

Bubble Gum

This is all about bubble gum and this is a song watch the video.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Top 5 Things I Like In My House

Top 5 Things I Like In My House

This is about what I like and it is about what I love the most.

First one is that I love homework.
Second one is that I love playing games and downloading games. 
Third one is that I like watching videos on my computer at home.
Fourth one is that I like eating food or vegetables like broccoli.
Fifth one is that I like making music or listening to music mostly I 
like cool music.
Comment in the comments what is your top 5 things that you like.
Hope you enjoyed this blog post.
Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

Saturday, 5 January 2019

My Favourite Food

My Favourite Food 

My Favourite food is something green and found from the water 
and rice in it with vegetables and wasabi. Comment if you know.
It was sushi it was kind of obvious because the wasabi.

Then the other one it is long and cooked and it has mint inside it 
and with cheese and it is mixed altogether it smells nice. It is 
also made out of pasta too. This is a hard one to guest but it is

Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

What To Get Ready For!

What To Get Ready For!

What you are going to get ready for you are going to get ready for 
a big year and it is going, to be crazy you have to start all over 
again and that is fun. It is because you can do somethings that you 
wanted to do when it was last year this year. Do you want that 
kind of comment if you want that. It is going to be a amazing year 
and it is starting from scratch. We all are going to have a amazing 
year and I know it if you try your best if you can. If you want that you have to try your best. You might be at school it is a blast you
might love it and there might be new things accept for this. 
Hope you enjoyed this. Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

Top 3 Things That I Was Good At, My School

Top 3 Things That I Was Good At, My School

This is about me being good at my school.

First one is that I was good at finishing my homework and school work.
Second one I was good at finishing thing and making stuff by 
being creative. 
Last and only one my third one I was good at writing on my chrome and and type fast like I am like flash typing.

Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

Friday, 4 January 2019

5 Top Things That I Liked In School

5 Top Things That I Liked In School

Watch this video and you will see that the top 5 things that I 
Loved in school. 

My First one is that I loved doing my homework and schoolwork.
My Second one is that I loved listening to my teacher and finishing
what she told my whole class what to do. 
My Third one is that I loved doing my blog post's. 
My Fourth one is that I loved doing my work and finish it of.
My Fifth one is that I loved playing with my friends.
And I could've be smart if I was not inspired I was inspired by my 
brother so shout outs to him.
Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine 
[4 Points]

These are 5 top things how to protect your self from the sun from me. 

First one is put sunscreen so it doesn't burn you because the sun 
is very strong even if you look at it then, you get blind so it is very
strong. Second one probley get an umbrella or something that can 
cover your whole body like something big like a sun hat. Third
one go to something big, to cover you like a tree because if you 
don't you might get hit, by it and get skin cancer. Fourth one 
be careful about how long you stay in the sun because you 
also might, get skin cancer. Fifth one don't go outside that much 
just sometimes or remember you can always, go in the dark 
rather then, the sunny weather. Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

Thursday, 3 January 2019

A Epic Heated Debate

A Epic Heated Debate
[4 Points]

One of the weathers that are, good is summer because that is the 
time to come out side and do some, cool things like do some 
summer activity like me or play some last cards. That is what 
I do for summer. This is another weather that is good winter 
because that is when if you want to water the plants then, the
rain does it for you and it grows. That is good because 
your house might, look better and cooler or beautifuler. 
Beautifuler is not a word but it not for me anyways it is not about
that up to the next weather. The next one is spring that is good 
because it might look cool for terrible. It might be cool
for me because the leaves, fall of and I can see what kind of leaves
there are. That was all about the top 3 good weathers that are good
for me. Let me know in the comments what are yours I would 
like to know. Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

Celebrating New Year

Celebrating New Year

What I am doing is kind of just relaxing and can't believe it happened I am so amazed that it is 2019. That is cool and everyone
is kind of just amazed and I am really just amazed that it happened. I just am dancing and I want to make a fresh start starting from scratch right. You know it will be hard but always
what I do is try my best and hope, that something happen's and it
might happen that is how, I do it. Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

What We Are Doing

What We Are Doing 

Watch this video it is funny and this is what my brother is doing.
Anyways Watch This Video And Blog Ya LATER!

What Were Are Doing For New Year

What Were Are Doing For New Year 

We making some things like pancakes and jam on it and we are 
doing some special things some things that people do. There is all sorts of things like pancakes drinks and that. Here are all the things pancakes, drinks, a cheese cake, sausages, harvest snaps, food, chips and other things. Hope you guys are going to have a great day and next year. Blog Ya LATER!