Yesterday The Great Day
Yesterday we were having a normal day until my uncle told us to get ready to go to the beach and movie at 6.30 to watch, How To
Train A :The Hidden World Dragon 3. We picked my cousin up
that I have not seen in 2 years. It was a Samoan and Tongan
1 hour later... We were going to the beach and it was so tiring then I was sleeping. Then I woke up and we were there we were just finding a parking. When I said that, we found a parking. We got out and looked for a place to stay it was next to tree like my sun thing. Then all of us put sunscreen on and there was the young
ones went first, accept me and my Brother.
Then we went and
we didn't know where they were but I spoted them like it was
hide and seek. Then we went to them and I was on my Brother
because it was deep and I was jumping of him and floating.
It was fun and I was swimming around. Then I was diving with
my Brother and I was pulling him and me up I was kicking
he was swimming. I just did the same thing every time pull
him up. After we did that I was playing touch with my Brother
my Brother won. Then we went out and I went in with my cousin
and Uncle. We racing and we did it again then we went to the
My Uncle was getting the ticket and it was about to start so we quickly went to the movie and we got popcorn and drinks.
We were sharing popcorn and we had our own drinks and it was
cool. There was a lot of memory's and bad guys. There was many
vikings and saying about marrying. When it was the end my straw
that was broken because the drink wet it. My cousin was crying
and she was making excuses. It was a cool movie. I am not telling
much it is because I don't want to spoil it.
Blog Ya LATER!