Friday 4 January 2019

You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine 
[4 Points]

These are 5 top things how to protect your self from the sun from me. 

First one is put sunscreen so it doesn't burn you because the sun 
is very strong even if you look at it then, you get blind so it is very
strong. Second one probley get an umbrella or something that can 
cover your whole body like something big like a sun hat. Third
one go to something big, to cover you like a tree because if you 
don't you might get hit, by it and get skin cancer. Fourth one 
be careful about how long you stay in the sun because you 
also might, get skin cancer. Fifth one don't go outside that much 
just sometimes or remember you can always, go in the dark 
rather then, the sunny weather. Anyways Blog Ya LATER!


  1. KIA ORA
    my name is Emacyn from owairaka school I'am also doing the summer learning journey you are very good at writing you could start writing books one day.this is how we are going to be sun safe this holidays you are very good at this
    blog you later

  2. Thank you for seporting me and wow thanks for that comment Blog Ya LATER!

  3. Thank you for telling me that. That is cool.

  4. Talofa Healy,

    Well done on listing some things we could do/use to keep safe in the summer sun. You are right, there is indeed a possibility of skin cancer if you do not protect yourself from the sun properly. Can you think of some other things we can use to provide shade if we are at the beach or anywhere outdoors with no trees close by?

    When I am out with family or friends, we always make sure to put sunscreen on our necks, face, arms and legs. It’s always handy to take a sun shade too, so we can sit in the shade when taking a break from swimming either at the beach, river or pool.

    You’ve made a good start to the Summer Learning Journey Healy, keep it up! I hope you are staying sun safe in the hot summer weather we’ve been having. :)

    Toe feiloa’i fo’i (see you again),

    Ms Tokuma.

  5. I have when I have gone to the beach. You could get a hat or something shady.

    1. Talofa Healy,

      Great to hear you are being sun smart in this very hot weather :)

      Toe feiloa'i fo'i,

      Ms Tokuma.

  6. Thank you for tell me that

  7. Hi there Healy
    I am glad you are looking after yourself in the sun. A really important tip when putting on sunblock is to make sure you put it on all parts of your skin. My sister and I forgot to put sunblock in the backs of our legs when we went bike riding, so that part got a bit pink in colour. I hope you are enjoying your holidays.

  8. Yes I am when I go to the beach and I always put sunscreen on all the time
    because it is very hot. I am enjoying my holiday are you. Wait are you in
    England or New Zealand.

  9. Hello Healy,
    I am Vitaraag. I think the most important out of all of those is sunscreen. I think you forgot one and that is stay in the shade more than in the sun. Maybe next time you can say what skin cancer is and what it does. Keep up the phenomenal work!

