Friday, 31 August 2018

Super Duper Cool Story

Super Duper Cool Story
It was so cool in hall. I was so amazed. It was so cool because they were
making a story that is in a book in real life. The super hero name was called
Blaze. They told us if we sing a song, then we will do action where I do a
strong hand and put it up two times and saying, “Here's the super hero”. It was
so cool because they wanted people to present because they wanted a car
with people so when there is a man, then he gets run over, then he is going to
be on a wheely chair. He was a superhero so he did that for safety so they
would not get in danger. When he was a Superhero he was fighting super
villains like the green girl. The Pirate was a Mum and her name was Ashley.
The Pirate said for 4 people to scrub the floor of the boat and clean so, she
didn’t do it herself, then the pirate said for the servants to go in the sea, then
Blaze came and stopped her because he thought that she, wanted the
servants to get eaten by a shark. The Pirate said “why would I do that”
Blaze said “Because you are trouble maker” the Pirate said “no I’m not”.
Blaze said “Oh okay thanks for your help all of you”. Then the Pirate said
“say Arrr”! All of us said “Arrr”!  Blaze came back home, then the Mum was
looking if the son was home, then he went so fast back to his room, the
Mum was coming right to the door she said “ What are you doing”?
Blaze said “ I’m just reading” so sespeshehly because he didn’t want his
Mum seeing him like a superhero and did not, tell her about it.
He was changing his clothes, then the Mum said “do you want to go to your
cousins house” he, said “no”. The Blaze was waiting for her Mum to go.
He was going to safe the day and stopping the Super villain, she had a
Weapon to stop Blaze from saving the day, the weapon was called a
Ray Gun. When they were getting the Ray gun, then they would always go
slow motion whenever they trying to get the Ray gun. The Green girl took the
Ray gun away, then she went to somewhere Blaze does not know. He went
home, then the Mum said “who are you”? Blaze said “I am your sons friend, then the Mum said “Why haven’t I seen you before” Blaze, said “because he hasn’t presented me to you”. So Blaze said “Okay I am to leave so bye” Blazes Mum said “bye I didn’t know my son has a super hero friend”. Blaze came out of his room his mum said “why didn’t you tell me that you had a super hero friend” Blaze said “because you always mess up somethings”. Blazes Mum say “No I don’t” Blaze said “oh okay,” then they were singing a song. Blaze went to his room to change to his superhero clothes. Blaze went to where the super villain was so he could stop the crime. The Green girl had some weapon that looked so funny they, were fighting over it the weapon could fart. Blaze got the weapon, then he said “ I have engagement, humanity and faith”. The super villain said “where did you get all of those words” Blaze said “I got it from myself by learning it”. She said “nooo! I am losing”. Blaze had the fart gun and shot it and she fell down to the floor.  Then they went back to their clothes, then we sang to them.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Cool Making

Cool Bread

The Thursday morning we were all talking and reading about one thing called
bread. How do you make bread? I would say it might be easy, right because it’s
just a bread I don’t think so but I will find out. I have a question do you know
something, I think you said yes do you know how to make bread rise? You can
make it with two easy simple ways you could make it with yeast or potatoes
we made it with yeast because potatoes take more time. I looked at the yeast
and it looked kind of nasty, but some of the class smelt it and they said “this
stinks and it smells” I said strawberry porridge then apple juice it was very ,
very weird. It was also with water my group poured the water and yeast in a
huge ,long cup then the yeast went up and it looked like a bread was rising
and was like a 100 bubbles that went out of the water. I was so excited to see
what was going to happen. We came back then we looked at the bread and it
was rising pretty fast. We were looking at the videos it was so fast that we
could see the bread rising so quick. I am so proud of my self and room 13. After lunch time Mrs Cash was bringing the bread that we made I saw ,then I was like
"Wow that is like sandcastles.

Healy's Science So Fun

Healy’s Science So Fun

When Room 13 done science then we did it with these ingredyintes water and
food colouring and paper towels ,there were 3 different colours they were
Blue ,Yellow and Red.

Then Ms Petrus was putting camara's everywhere to
record and see what it had done and to write about it. One person from each
group had to get there topic book to write about what is happening. If you want
to know what was happening ,the colours and water were going into the paper
towel and was going to the other side to the empty cup. The colours were going
together and making one colour and the colours were Orange ,Purple and

This is how the water and food colouring was going in the empty cup the paper
towel was like a triangle but doesen’t have a bottom. It only takes one sip a
time. My group and my own self was proud of them self and I was proud of
my self. We were waiting for a little while there wasn’t that much time because
had to go home soon.

I was so exited to see what was going to happen to the colours and how it’s
going to work. We will see tomorrow what is going to happen? What happen
is that when I came back to class ,then all the colours  went into the empty cups
so the colours made one colour in the empty cups.

I was so amazed by the way that the 3 colors made 3 different kind of colors. I was so inpresst how it went in to one color. I felt amazed ,exsited and neverse. Why I felt amazed is that 3 colors went to each empty cup then made one color ,the other reason why I was exsited is because I didn’t know what was going to happen and I was so exsited. My final reason is why I was nervese is that I was wondering if this is with bottles and it might mess everything up and me.