Tuesday 17 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Scaling New Heights Day 1 Week 1 Activity 3

Scaling New Heights [6 Points]

On 1953 there was two people named  Edmund Hillary and  Tenzing Norgay that made it first to Mt Everest.  Not just the mountian but the top of it.  Edmund Hillary did a lot of charity work that he planned in 1960 so he could take care of people and give water and other stuff to where Mt Everest it located.

Blog Ya Later

1 comment:

  1. Tēnā koe Healy,

    Thanks for writing about Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. I really enjoyed reading it, pretty amazing humans, don’t you agree?! Do you think you’d like to climb Mt Everest if you had the chance? I really want to visit Nepal (where Mt Everest is) and do some hiking, but probably just around the base of the mountain because i’m not that fit!

    You said in your post that Sir Edmund Hillary did a lot of charity work, that’s so awesome! Do you know of any charities or anything about what they do? You can just post in the comments below if you'd like!

    Have a great afternoon,
    Eliza :)
