Thursday, 19 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Defying The Odds Activity 2 Day 3 Week 1

Defying The Odds [4 Points]
Lebron James the famous basket ball player that is more famous then any basket ball player.  His team is name is Lakers.

Steven Adams is also a basket ball player and comes from Rotorua, New Zealand  and his team is Oklahoma City Thunders.

"These two players are famous but back then not famous, their family didn't have that much money but now they are successful unlike before".
Peace Out!! Blog ya later!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ahiahi pai Healy,

    Thanks for doing week one, day three, activity two. I enjoyed reading the facts you posted about the two basketball players! Do you play or watch much basketball? I haven’t ever gotten into it, but I do love playing netball.

    If you were to meet either Lebron James or Steven Adams, what question would you ask them? You can just post your answer below in the comments if you want :)

    I would probably ask them what inspired and motivated them to get where they are today, because I think their answers would be really interesting and I love finding out what drives people because it helps me to figure them out as a person more :)

    Thanks for blogging Healy,
