Thursday, 19 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Acheving Our Dreams Activity 1 Day 2 Week 1

Acheving Our Dreams [6 Points]

The Silver Ferns are New Zealand's repersentive netball team.   When they vs a team they most likely win.  To become a Silver Fern, the players had to work very hard and to sacrifice things to play there role on the team.  They also got a lot of support from everyone in their community.
Peace Out!!  Blog Ya Later


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Namaste Healy,

    Thanks for sharing that information about the Silver Ferns, did you know these facts before doing this activity? I have never been to see a live Silver Ferns game before, but I would love to!

    What is your dream job and who do you think could help you to achieve this dream (it could be someone specific in your family, a friend, or a teacher)? What could they do to help you? You can just post your answer below in the comments if you want :)

    Thanks for posting and have a groovy afternoon,
    Eliza :)
