Thursday 13 December 2018

Reindeer Names On Word Search

Today this is what we did on Wednesday was names
for the reindeers and it was for word search.
Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

Image result for comet reindeerImage result for vixen the reindeer

Today we were solving a word search with reindeer names. I found it the Names because in word search you have to see words backwards, frontwards, downwards, upwards and the sides. That is kind of the what you have to do in word search. That is kind of what you have to do in the game and the rules. It was everywhere and I found all the things like vixen that was the first name I found. 

It was backwards and I had to read the name vixen to check. Then I found the other words and it was not that hard to do. This is all the things that were the names. It was cupid, Vixen, Reindeer, Dasher, Dancer, Comet, Prancer, Blitzen Donner and Rudolph. That is all the names for word search. 

We had to mark a circle around the names and that were the ones that were done, and the ones that were not circled, were the ones that were not done. Then I finished all the words and you can tell by the photos. 

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