Friday 7 December 2018

Maui Information From Summer Learning Journey

 Maui Information From Summer Learning Journey
Today we were reading about Maui and it was a story about 
pulling new Zealand up and who came to New Zealand first 
and it was interesting. It was Maui in his brothers canoe and 
hid under the canoe because he would show his brothers that
 he was the best. He went out the hiding spot and said Booo! 
There reaction was what? Then Maui had his weapon that 
was a jawbone. Then he purpsley hit his self with the weapon 
to get blood. That was the story but here if you want to 
see the story here. But here Press on this link to see
another story that I am writing.
The Link For The Other Maui Storys?

Anyways Blog Ya LATER!

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