Friday, 7 September 2018

The Smart Camel

The Smart Camel
The most amazing thing about, Camels are they take people
through the desert.
Image result for camel
A Camel is Brownish that's there colour. It has two bumps
and the two bumps, are the things that, make them have
oxygen and breathe and it has, the hotnest too. Camels don’t
always have two bumps.  

`The Camels have huge bodys because they drink to much
water and when, they see water, then they go to it and
drink, some much water. Somebody parts are strong like there
legs and mouth and there back, the Mouth is the strongest.
Camels have hooves on their feet. These hooves help the
Camel walk easily in the Desert. Camels are hairy and warm.

They ride on a Camel, with a Saddle that's why the
people, make them go run fast and walk, fast and they
wipe, the Camel like a horse.A Camel eats
wheat, grass, grain and cactuses.

If you want to know, the Camels when they, eat the Cactuses i
t doesn't really hurt because they have something called, Papillae
that protects, the Camel's mouth and Guards and it helps for
the spiky stuff to, it so they don’t run somewhere and drop the
people of the Camel, then the people will be heart and
people, will laugh.
The Camels are easily spotted because they have two bumps.
The two bumps are like under a Cow. If you want to know
where deserts are, then I will tell you, it is in Asia and Africa
that is how you, are going to find Camels.  The Camels have
Stronger Mouths, than Humans do. The food make them have
energy like the water that's how they are strong and healthy.
It is a large footed and that is how, the Camels walk in the sand.
The Camels have races with people on there, back like the
horse race, it is really fun because you might win, with the wipe.
Where they do the Camel racing is at Abu Dhabi.
If you want to see more information about camels then
check this out? Camel Facts This Link will give you more
information about Camels. Camels have two animals that
Camels look like it is Sheeps and Cows.


  1. Wow you have learnt a lot about camels. This is a very interesting report. Can you explain how sheep and cows look like camels, what makes them look similar?

  2. Yep I have I have worked hard.
