Tuesday 8 December 2020

Why Cellphones Should/Shouldn't Be Allowed At School

 Why Cellphones Should/Shouldn’t Be Allowed At School

  • It should because your parents can text you to see if your ok.

  • It shouldn’t because what if your in class and your teacher is 

explaining something and your phone gets a notification from something and interrupts 

  • It should because what if your in danger and need to call the cops. 

  • It shouldn’t cause you can play games whenever you want

  • It should because you can tell people your name on a game so you can add them

  • It shouldn’t because you can cheat at anytime you want on the matt everywhere you go. 

  • It should because you can use your phone instead of a chromebook if you don’t have a chromebook

  • It shouldn’t because you can watch youtube and social media when your not supposed to.  

  • I think it shouldn’t because you can do anything cheat on tests or, play games and  social media. 

  • I think they should allow it at school but only take the  cellphone during learning time and give it to them at break time.

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