What is waste? (Paraphrase)
Waste is something that we do not need and we throw away.
Waste is also another word for garbage. |
What do the 3R’s mean?
Reduce is when use less stuff like
plastic bags plastic bottles.
Reuse is when you use something again.
For example if I use a plastic bottle more then once.
Recycle is when you use things from the
trash to be sold again. |
How/why is excess waste harmful for earth?
It can make people sick and the animals could eat the rubbish.
Where does waste go after it is collected?
Rubbish goes to the landfill after being collected.
Insert types of waste that your household produces on a weekly basis.
We put the plastic packets of noodles in the bin, plastic
bread packets, Dorito packets, Apples, Banana Peels,
Feijoas, Cracker packets and Watermelon skins.