This is about Kurī a dog that belonged to the maori's in the olden days when there was war. This was for reading.
Kuri was alive in the
1800s. He was a dog that hunts for food for
kuri owner. Kuri is are place in New Zealand.
Kuri is the dog that hunts for food basically
everyday. So the owners can have food before
the owners eat kuri and their idog. That’s the
reason why they hunt for food.
Thanks for reading, what I think about kuri and
By Solomone.
Written by
Simi Tahifote
A Kuri is a type of dog that's the Polynesians
used to Hunt and help them to survive in the
wild. and when the Kuri’s die the Polynesians
used them as a cote So they don’t get cold and
Kuri is a type of dog that helps the owners, which is the
Mauri’s and the Polynesians. Kuri always is outside.
They are now extinct. If kuri is dead you have to throw
it down a mountain that is what, mauri's did because the
dogs would be sick and die. If you don’t kill it again or put
in a cage or something then the dogs are going to get sick
or die. Kuri can smell 10x more then a human or have more
smell then a real human. So it is a really special dog.
But now it is extincted. Kuri is good at smelling the police
can use kuri to smell, where the bad guy is or other
people, that are doing bad stuff.
By Healy